Hello, my name is Arthur Savary, I'm 18 years old and I'm French and an international student at the University of Uottawa in Canada. 

I am passionate about photography and videography. I travelled around the world with my family at the age of 16 and not only did it change my perception of life but also encouraged me to pursue my dreams. 

Being very motivated and having invested in a new camera-equipped phone, I started using my curious eyes to take some shots; and after some little editing I was very satisfied with the results.

Upon my return to France, I found 4 months of work in a supermarket and fast food chain which permitted me to buy my first real camera. 

I am a creative person who is passionate about the meaning and emotions that come out of a photo or a video. I find it very important to create a human relationship between myself and my client, it is a sine qua none condition for the realization of my work.

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